Friday, June 17, 2011

SNHU MFA Summer Residency

On June 18, 2011 several of my classmates will  be graduating from the MFA program, and all of them have become an important part of my life and have been very supportive. That is why I love this program. We all supportive of each other's goals and aspirations. Our goals to become better writers and eventually to become published and share "human truths" through our stories, essays and poems. We are all writers, and in each of us we have seen our ability to express our view of the world through the beauty of words.

Today, Melanie Cecka who works for Bloomsbury told me that I had better write about horses next. She said my whole face lit up when I talked about writing about horses in Japan. That is all I want to do now; that is is now an obsession. I have started applying to companies to teach English in Japan and many of my friends here are encouraging me to go for it. Several people have asked me when I am leaving, and I told them as soon as I can secure a teaching position and get a work visa I will be going.

I am ready to be a teacher. I am not merely going to Japan just for my own writing purposes. I love knowledge  and teaching is a way for me to make use of my knowledge of the written language. Of course, I will learn more human truths from living in Japan. I will learn about the culture, their traditions, the people, their wildlife and their language. I know I will be a good teacher because of everything horses have taught me. I will be a good teacher because of what the people in my MFA program have taught me, both the mentors and the other students. 

On Sunday we leave for Star Island for a week. Last year I did not want to go. Just the thought of being trapped on a small island made my heart skip a beat. This year though, it is different. By going there part of my soul is freed from everyday society. All of us while we are there, can reflect on humanity and its relationship to the rest of the world. We are forced to look at ourselves as writers and all that we wish to convey.

I am grateful to everybody that has helped me. I am grateful to all the mentors and students. I am grateful to my friends at home. I am grateful for Skye, because I did not start to truly live until the moment she came into my life.  I am grateful to someone who made me realize I can't be afraid to live, even though he will no longer talk to me. 

 "Water in the river flows without cease, besides there isn't original water" - From the Hojoki

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