Title: Howl's Moving Castle
Author: Diana Wynne Jones (deceased)
Published: 1986
Rating: 5/5
I am ashamed to admit that I discovered this book on accident browsing the middle-grade reading section of Barnes and Noble. As a fan of anime, I have indulged in watching Hayao Miyazaki's film Howl's Moving Castle several times. This movie quickly became my favorite film produced by Studio Ghibli. The art is amazing and the story is a touching romance about plain maid and a handsome wizard. However, the are both cursed. I had no idea the popular anime movie was based off of a novel.
Jones' ability to weave human truths into a fairy tale like setting is appealing to all ages. Sophia is the eldest daughter of a deceased Hatter and views herself as very dull. One day, she gets tangled with the Witch of the Waste and ends up cursed with an aged body. She embarks on a quest to seek her own fortune and to rid herself of the curse. She gets more than she bargained for when she finds herself living with the immature and selfish wizard, Howl, and Howl's young apprentice.
If anything, Jones mocks the traditional fairy tale. Her heroine is not beautiful or brave. The knight in shining armor is given to tantrums over hair dye and is a well known heart-breaker. However, they can only break their curses by discovering themselves through an unlikely friendship. Along the journey, the reader will find themselves laughing at some of the unpredictable situations these two characters find themselves in. I hope this novel stays in publication for future generations as a children's classic.
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